Blink…Blimp…Blomp…Blint. I looked out the window one morning and discovered that it is raining outside. The rain was washing away the pure white snow that had been on the ground for days. The snow piles were gigantic. They were the size of me, which is five feet and one and a half inches. When I tried to go over one of the snow piles I was submerged in the frigid icy snow. It felt like I was a human popsicle. I squirmed around, pushing this way and that, and I finally was free from the snow pile monster. I was wet then. Not only was I wet from the melting snow, but also from the rain that was falling from the sky. I felt uncomfortable in my fuzzy blue sweater that was now drenched with liquid. So I decided to go inside my house to change clothes and settle by the nice warm fire.
There was a problem. The garage door was not working. This wouldn't be a problem if I had remembered my house key but that was tucked away in the left pocket of my backpack up in the living room. I had no choice. I had to knock on the door. The thing was, my mother was sleeping inside and if I woke her up I knew she would be upset. Knock, knock knock….No answer. Knockety knock knock. Still no answer, so i tried one more time. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK! I saw a glimpse some fabric. It was the fabric to my mom's shirt. She slowly opened the door and I could see the tired look on her face. We didn't say a word to each other for a moment. "You forgot your key again…didn't you?" she said. "Yes" I respond in a quiet voice. She went back up to her room and I to mine. I was luck that time. She was too tired to respond angrily because I woke her up. That made me happy. I continued on with my day after I changed my clothes. What was a wet cold day turned into a dry warm luxury. I like when weather changes but I especially like when I can change the temperature myself.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Everyone is a Part of Something
I was not excited to see this guy named C. S. Lewis at my college today. It is only because I have heard so many lectures about life; what is is, what it isn't, or what is should be. I got settled in the snug, cushioned forum room chair and waited for Mr. Lewis to start his redundant speech. As it turned out, Mr. Lewis brought up points that I had not heard before. He said life is made up of Rings, and people "desire to be inside the local Ring and [have] terror [if] left outside [of it]...It is unavoidable."For myself, this means that I have the desire to be apart of something. I learned that it is better to not force myself to be in a certain group because I will naturally fall somewhere. I just need to focus on what I enjoy, and I will fall inside some sort of Ring. For me the Inner Ring means acceptance or inclusion.
Case in point; I attend this group called Easy Good Grub or (EGG). We make food for families that do not have enough to afford food everyday. Everyone in EGG has a similar mindset. We all want to help people and we all love to make food. Mr. Lewis brought up the point that we exclude people who only in the Ring to be in the know or apart of something special. We had this guy try to join our group once. His name was Turner. Turner had no idea how to cook and he hated people who had to be on welfare. He was immediately excluded because he couldn't contribute anything to the group. He just wanted to be in it to learn how to cook and learn why we liked serving poorer people. He wasn't meant for our Inner Ring. He should have just stayed with the rich kid Ring. That one suited him better.
I think that Mr. Lewis is a respectable man. He presented his speech with an advising tone. He even referenced how he was middle-aged and that we might not even care. It is a good thing he came up with an enticing way to present his speech. I listened. I realized that Rings make up our lives and it does not look like they will ever go away.
Case in point; I attend this group called Easy Good Grub or (EGG). We make food for families that do not have enough to afford food everyday. Everyone in EGG has a similar mindset. We all want to help people and we all love to make food. Mr. Lewis brought up the point that we exclude people who only in the Ring to be in the know or apart of something special. We had this guy try to join our group once. His name was Turner. Turner had no idea how to cook and he hated people who had to be on welfare. He was immediately excluded because he couldn't contribute anything to the group. He just wanted to be in it to learn how to cook and learn why we liked serving poorer people. He wasn't meant for our Inner Ring. He should have just stayed with the rich kid Ring. That one suited him better.
I think that Mr. Lewis is a respectable man. He presented his speech with an advising tone. He even referenced how he was middle-aged and that we might not even care. It is a good thing he came up with an enticing way to present his speech. I listened. I realized that Rings make up our lives and it does not look like they will ever go away.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Margaret Sanger: The Children's Era
This video is a bit more concise than her actual speech and it is preformed by a cartoon but it gets the point across. She is basically saying that we need to pay more attention to babies before they are born. We should make requirements for parents so that we do not have messed up people like criminals and pedophiles. She uses the analogy of a gardener to give a comparison on nurturing children. She says if we don't take care of our seeds, weeds will overrun it. I think this is effective because I can visualize what she is trying to argue.
Although she her points for parenthood are extreme, if we had her standards for parenting we would have better quality people. This also means alot of problems for the people who do not fit her standards and our population would quickly diminish. I think this is similar to Jonathon Swift's essay "Modest Proposal" in that both want to eliminate poverty and get rid of insufficient babies. They both make good points but their proposals are are also unrealistic. People would not adjust to their standards on who can keep their babies.
PS: The last five seconds of this video were unexpected. Ignore it if you can. All the other points she made were relevant and added to her speech.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
**Complete** [kuh-m-pleet]
Adjective; Verb
Bringing to a whole with all the necessary components. To make perfect. To come to an end or conclusion. The act of being thourough and uncompromised. Undivided and unmodified.
Example: My heart would not be complete without you or I completed all my work.
Origins: Middle English complet, from Latin completus, from past participle of complēre
1. End
Noun; Verb; Adjective
An area that lies at on the boundary, the terminal, a shared under taking
Example: Here lies the end of the rode, I kept my end up, and we ended that conversation quickly.
Origins: Middle English ende, from Old English; akin to Old High German enti end, Latin ante before, Greek anti against
2. Achieve
To successfully carry out, to complete a skill, to aquire a desired goal
Example: I achieved my math test by studying for it everyday.
Origins: Middle English acheven, from Anglo-French achever to finish, from a- (from Latin ad-) + chef end, head
3. Succeed
Ranking up against another opponent, a positve outcome, to come after heir, to follow a sequence.
Example: I succeeded my father in cooking when I went to the Cordon Bleu or I can succeed in life if I just believe.
Origins: Middle English succeden, from Anglo-French succeeder, from Latin succedere to go up, follow after, succeed, from sub- near + cedere to go
4. Accomplish
A result that was brought by effort, completion, Perfect.
Example: I accomplished my presentation after working on it for five months.
Origins: Middle English accomplisshen, from Anglo-French accompliss-, stem of accomplir, from Vulgar Latin *accomplēre, from Latin ad- + complēre to fill up
5. Consummate
Adjective; Verb
Skilled, the highest degree, complete in every detail
Example: I play the guitar with consummate skill.
Origins: Middle English consummat fulfilled, from Latin consummatus, past participle of consummare to sum up, finish, from com- + summa sum
6. Finish
Verb; Noun
to come to an end, death, the final stage, the material used in painting.
Example: I finished my meal or the finish on that wood paneling is superb.
Origins: Middle English finisshen, from Anglo-French finiss-, stem of finir, from Latin finire, from finis
7. Attain
To gain possession of, to come to end, to come or arrive by emotion or growth
Example: I attained a candy bar from my brother Timmy.
Origins: Middle English atteynen, from Anglo-French ateign-, stem of ateindre to reach, accomplish, convict, from Vulgar Latin *attangere, alteration of Latin attingere, from ad- + tangere to touch
8. Reach
Verb; Noun
To touch or grab by extension of one's body, to hand over, to arrive at, the straight portion of a stream or river
Example: I reached my goal or I reached for the money on the top shelf.
Origins: Middle English rechen, from Old English rǣcan; akin to Old High German reichen to reach, Lithuanian raižytis to stretch oneself
9. Win
Verb, Noun
To possesion of by wealth or effort, a victory
Example: I won my first basketball game or winning means that you do not lose.
Origins: Middle English winnen, from Old English winnan to struggle; akin to Old High German winnan to struggle and probably to Latin venus sexual desire, charm, Sanskrit vanas desire, vanoti he strives for
10. Conclude
To logically reach and end using reasoning, to form a final judgement, to decide
Example: I will conclude this seminar with a positive attitude
Origins: Middle English, from Latin concludere to shut up, end, infer, from com- + claudere to shut
Adjective; Verb
Bringing to a whole with all the necessary components. To make perfect. To come to an end or conclusion. The act of being thourough and uncompromised. Undivided and unmodified.
Example: My heart would not be complete without you or I completed all my work.
Origins: Middle English complet, from Latin completus, from past participle of complēre
1. End
Noun; Verb; Adjective
An area that lies at on the boundary, the terminal, a shared under taking
Example: Here lies the end of the rode, I kept my end up, and we ended that conversation quickly.
Origins: Middle English ende, from Old English; akin to Old High German enti end, Latin ante before, Greek anti against
2. Achieve
To successfully carry out, to complete a skill, to aquire a desired goal
Example: I achieved my math test by studying for it everyday.
Origins: Middle English acheven, from Anglo-French achever to finish, from a- (from Latin ad-) + chef end, head
3. Succeed
Ranking up against another opponent, a positve outcome, to come after heir, to follow a sequence.
Example: I succeeded my father in cooking when I went to the Cordon Bleu or I can succeed in life if I just believe.
Origins: Middle English succeden, from Anglo-French succeeder, from Latin succedere to go up, follow after, succeed, from sub- near + cedere to go
4. Accomplish
A result that was brought by effort, completion, Perfect.
Example: I accomplished my presentation after working on it for five months.
Origins: Middle English accomplisshen, from Anglo-French accompliss-, stem of accomplir, from Vulgar Latin *accomplēre, from Latin ad- + complēre to fill up
5. Consummate
Adjective; Verb
Skilled, the highest degree, complete in every detail
Example: I play the guitar with consummate skill.
Origins: Middle English consummat fulfilled, from Latin consummatus, past participle of consummare to sum up, finish, from com- + summa sum
6. Finish
Verb; Noun
to come to an end, death, the final stage, the material used in painting.
Example: I finished my meal or the finish on that wood paneling is superb.
Origins: Middle English finisshen, from Anglo-French finiss-, stem of finir, from Latin finire, from finis
7. Attain
To gain possession of, to come to end, to come or arrive by emotion or growth
Example: I attained a candy bar from my brother Timmy.
Origins: Middle English atteynen, from Anglo-French ateign-, stem of ateindre to reach, accomplish, convict, from Vulgar Latin *attangere, alteration of Latin attingere, from ad- + tangere to touch
8. Reach
Verb; Noun
To touch or grab by extension of one's body, to hand over, to arrive at, the straight portion of a stream or river
Example: I reached my goal or I reached for the money on the top shelf.
Origins: Middle English rechen, from Old English rǣcan; akin to Old High German reichen to reach, Lithuanian raižytis to stretch oneself
9. Win
Verb, Noun
To possesion of by wealth or effort, a victory
Example: I won my first basketball game or winning means that you do not lose.
Origins: Middle English winnen, from Old English winnan to struggle; akin to Old High German winnan to struggle and probably to Latin venus sexual desire, charm, Sanskrit vanas desire, vanoti he strives for
10. Conclude
To logically reach and end using reasoning, to form a final judgement, to decide
Example: I will conclude this seminar with a positive attitude
Origins: Middle English, from Latin concludere to shut up, end, infer, from com- + claudere to shut
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The three "F" words
Thanksgiving is one of the most wonderful times of the year. The three F's are all incorporated withing this American holiday. Family, friends and food. These three "F" words are all things to be thankful for and all are essential for the thanksgiving season. I began my thanksgiving season with friends and ended it with family. In between there was lots of food and overall it was a sandwich of delightful experiences. Although you can have these three "F" words throughout the year, there is something about thanksgiving that makes them more special. I think it is because my dad makes his delicous, juicy turkey every year and the warm feeling I get when my whole extended family is gathered at the table to eat. We share stories from our past and tell each other what we are thankful for. We then exchange thanksgiving gifts and hug often. And all these things represent how much we care for each other.
Other events that make our thanksgiving special is that we have a tradition of going to the Kalahari every year in the Wisconsin Dells. My brother and I usually go to the water park first, then the indoor amusement park, and then to the water park a couple more times. We then take turns going into the shower and hope that the other did not use all of the hot water for themselves. Afterwards, we rest by watching television with the family and finally eating dinner together. Thanksgiving is sometimes celebrated the day after the real date because we all drive into the Wisconsin Dells the day of thankgiving and we are all tired from the driving trip. These traditions that we have are expected and bring our family closer together every year. We might go somewhere other than the Kalahari in the future, but I know where ever we go we will be together on Thanksgiving.
Other events that make our thanksgiving special is that we have a tradition of going to the Kalahari every year in the Wisconsin Dells. My brother and I usually go to the water park first, then the indoor amusement park, and then to the water park a couple more times. We then take turns going into the shower and hope that the other did not use all of the hot water for themselves. Afterwards, we rest by watching television with the family and finally eating dinner together. Thanksgiving is sometimes celebrated the day after the real date because we all drive into the Wisconsin Dells the day of thankgiving and we are all tired from the driving trip. These traditions that we have are expected and bring our family closer together every year. We might go somewhere other than the Kalahari in the future, but I know where ever we go we will be together on Thanksgiving.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Response to Two Million Minutes Documentary
The documentary portrayed Americans to not be as focused in their education system and Asian countries to be dedicated and direct with theirs. This outlook made Americans seem be rearing towards the wrong direction in life, and Asian countries going towards the right direction in life. In my opinion, the education system the Asian countries are focusing on does not apply for every individual there or anywhere else. Everyone is unique and has their own goals in life. Forcing math and science on people in school will not make a success out of everyone. Sure they need to make a safe career and sure they need to support their family but math and science are not the only fields that can make you a success.
If the whole world only focused on the intelligence level and analytical skills the world would be proficient but people would fall behind. There would be less opportunities to succeed in other fields that require education in artistic fields. We need to have a creative aspect in our lives, the fun, the trait that makes us different from the crowd. Being a person who is only focused on being a success all the time makes for a stressful life, that never slows down. Without someone to write well about the discoveries that were made in the science and math fields people would not understand the discoveries made. Without someone to create to look for the newest model whatever, product would not sell as many. Without the creativity of the world, life would become unadventurous.
We do however need to change our system in America. This is the land of opportunity, so we need to make it a fair one for everyone. Our education system isn't so much lacking in the structure as much as it is on the content. To be well rounded, to be a different from the next crowd, we need to be able to receive an education that can help us do so. We need teachers and books that teach us that as well and our own will to expand upon from their knowledge.
As stated in the movie," Americans work a lot but the distribution is skewed." That is only so that we become knowledgeable in many areas of life and different cultures. Learning 'hands on' in more popular that working directly from the book and that is only because you can apply more and understand more. To be cultured and diverse gives us that edge in the world industry. The Asian countries lives seem to be set in stone and laid out for them without any glimpse of change. Americans experience more with trial and error. We might not be the most proficient in math but when you look back on your life you are not going to think of all the equations that you did or problems that you solved, you are most likely going to think about the lives that you changed and the experiences changed you. Life isn't always about being on top and the best; sometimes it is about experience and doing what you love that makes an impact on your life.
If the whole world only focused on the intelligence level and analytical skills the world would be proficient but people would fall behind. There would be less opportunities to succeed in other fields that require education in artistic fields. We need to have a creative aspect in our lives, the fun, the trait that makes us different from the crowd. Being a person who is only focused on being a success all the time makes for a stressful life, that never slows down. Without someone to write well about the discoveries that were made in the science and math fields people would not understand the discoveries made. Without someone to create to look for the newest model whatever, product would not sell as many. Without the creativity of the world, life would become unadventurous.
We do however need to change our system in America. This is the land of opportunity, so we need to make it a fair one for everyone. Our education system isn't so much lacking in the structure as much as it is on the content. To be well rounded, to be a different from the next crowd, we need to be able to receive an education that can help us do so. We need teachers and books that teach us that as well and our own will to expand upon from their knowledge.
As stated in the movie," Americans work a lot but the distribution is skewed." That is only so that we become knowledgeable in many areas of life and different cultures. Learning 'hands on' in more popular that working directly from the book and that is only because you can apply more and understand more. To be cultured and diverse gives us that edge in the world industry. The Asian countries lives seem to be set in stone and laid out for them without any glimpse of change. Americans experience more with trial and error. We might not be the most proficient in math but when you look back on your life you are not going to think of all the equations that you did or problems that you solved, you are most likely going to think about the lives that you changed and the experiences changed you. Life isn't always about being on top and the best; sometimes it is about experience and doing what you love that makes an impact on your life.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Where you correct??
Here are the answers to the examples given below for Your My Best Friend blog post:
1. Narration
2.Process of Analysis
3. Description
4. Example
5. Argument/Persuation
6. Comparison and Contrast
7. Definition
8.Division Analysis
9.Cause and Effect
1. Narration
2.Process of Analysis
3. Description
4. Example
5. Argument/Persuation
6. Comparison and Contrast
7. Definition
8.Division Analysis
9.Cause and Effect
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Your My Best Friend
Example #1:
My mother told me that my first friendship started when I was one years old. I do not even remember it, but she told me that we were inseparable. We played dolls together, ate snacks together, and walked together on the floors of New Horizon. Our togetherness made us have the deep connection that we still have today.
My friend's name is Kayla McDermott and we continue to be friends to the day. The reason being our constant communication with each other. It also helped to have been at the same elementary and middle school. Although we are not in the same school today we get together and talk on the phone regularly.
Friendship is all about making the effort on both sides. Without the mutuality, there is no friendship; it would only be an acquaintanceship. Anyone can make an acquaintance but not everyone can make a friend. Therefore, friendship is special and should be handled with care.
Example #2:
Making a friend usually takes four stages. There are some scenarios were a friendship can happen instantly, but for the most part it takes time and stages to make a friendship known. First, we walk up to a person who looks inviting for our personality type. Second, we talk to that person to see if they have similar interest to ourselves. Third, we decide whether or not this person is worth the time and effort to make a friend. Finally, we accept that person and see if they accept us back. If they do then you have started the beautiful relationship of a friendship.
Example #3:
Two buddies laughing at a movie theater, spilling popcorn all over the floor, and whispering snide comments about 'how hot that chick looks.' They converse afterward about how awesomely fantastic the movie was and decide to go to dinner to talk more about it. The friends order two different meals but share their choices between themselves, so that they can have both options. They tell jokes, talk about the movie, and converse about how their mothers are always on them to do their chores. They are happy they have a buddy to share their life with. Someone they can be comfortable with; not worrying about how to act or what to say. At the end of the blissful day they give each other a manly hug-pat, say 'night bro,' and leave each other until the next day.
Example #4:
My grandmother would describe friendship as a good relationship that last a long time. It also includes hand-written letters and reunions. Although she is, for the most part, right in her assumptions of what friendship is, there is minor differences today. We use texting, emailing, and 'hanging out' to connect with our friends. Therefore, making a modern example of her older ideals on what friendship is.
Example #5:
You need to have friends in your life. Why? Because you need the social interaction and connection between at least one person. Unless you desire to become a lonely, old prick living with your cats and crying every night because you has no connection with anyone, you should have a friend. Connections with friends help us become social enough to speak to other people in the future.The social interaction that we get with friends prepares us to have social interaction with potential clients in the future. Friends can push us further that we would push ourselves and will stand by you when times get tough. Therefore having a friend make going through life a little easier.
Example #6:
Being friends and being emenies are obviously not the same thing. The two are polar opposites. Acquaintanceship, however, is similar to friendship, so it can be hard to tell the difference between the two. Friendship usually means going further than just talking in the halls at your school, or saying you'll plan an outing with that person, when you never actually do. Friendship is going the distance. Going out to event (fun or not fun, it does not matter), talking with each other through other forms of communication besides facebooking, sharing your personal life or feelings, and listening to the other person complaints usually makes a friendship.
In an acquaintanceship you are usually slacking off in these friendship duties and you are stuck at the shallow level, never going deeper. You only talk on facebook, you haven't seen each other in any other place besides school, and staying very distant with the other person only qualifies them to be your acquaintance. The difference between acquaintanceship and friendship is somewhat subtle, but once you start look deeper into your relationship with another person, the difference becomes more pronounced.
Example #7:
Being friends is more than just having something in common; it is getting to know someone at a deeper level. This level usually goes even further that your actual partner. The level of friendship is mainly mental, you have a connection with a person mainly because you know about their personality. Friends also usually share stuff about their family life, school life, and religion. When you are around a friend, you should not be nervous.
Friendship is all about being comfortable around the other person enough to have all different kinds of conversation, without worry of ridicule. You know when you are crossing the line with your friend and you know when to apologize and when you are going to far. You are hurt when your friend gets hurt, you are sad when your friend is sad, and you ask what you can do to help out if your friend has any problems. Friends are similar to family in that they are close to you, but you usually share more with your close friend opposed to your mother. Although friendship can be very personal and vulnerable, it is the necessary connection that we need in order to not become lonely.
Example #8:
Friendship is comparable to a puzzle; it is complicated. You need to find the pieces that fit, the ones that do not, and you can't give up on it. There are hundreds of pieces that make up a friendship but the main ones are love, hate, passion and intelligence. You are always going find flaws in your friends because no one is perfect, but the friends benefits need to outweigh their detriments. Love and hate go together in this; you need to find friends that you hate but with some flaws so your don't feel inferior to them.
If you are not passionate about making a friendship work, then it will not work. Once the relationship starts to get dull, then just like having a boyfriend/girlfriend, you grow distant from each other and likely will end the relationship. The final thing that is necessary to make a lasting friendship is similar thought process. You don't want a friend that makes you sound like a incompetent fool, you most likely want a friendship that makes you feel like equals. With all these pieces you can make a friendship that you can show off to the world.
Example #9:
Friendship is made when you start to see a connection between you and another person. Your heart is calm and relaxed because of the freedom that you can talk about anything with that person. Your brain can think of all different kinds of conversations without any problems and your body doesn't nervously twitch if the person leans towards you. The comfortableness leads you to open up and share your deepest, darkest secrets. The easiness lets you ramble on about nothing for hours at a time. Friendship lets you be yourself with another person without worry that they will think you are weird or leave the room. Thus making a safe haven for anytime you need to share something you are not so sure about or just need to get off your chest.
Example #10:
Some people might think friendship is all lollipops, laughing, and rainbows, but it is not always going to be like that. Fun times are only on the surface on what friendship appears to be. If you take shovel and dig into friendship you will find that it is more than just good times. Sometimes the bad times helps you become closer friends. A big argument, a loss of a loved one, or another damaging event can actually strengthen some friendships. Forgiveness and sympathy is essential to make the relationship become stronger in these situations. Without it, it is hard to recover from detrimental events in your or your friends life. Thus, the good and bad times reveal what friendship can withstand.
My mother told me that my first friendship started when I was one years old. I do not even remember it, but she told me that we were inseparable. We played dolls together, ate snacks together, and walked together on the floors of New Horizon. Our togetherness made us have the deep connection that we still have today.
My friend's name is Kayla McDermott and we continue to be friends to the day. The reason being our constant communication with each other. It also helped to have been at the same elementary and middle school. Although we are not in the same school today we get together and talk on the phone regularly.
Friendship is all about making the effort on both sides. Without the mutuality, there is no friendship; it would only be an acquaintanceship. Anyone can make an acquaintance but not everyone can make a friend. Therefore, friendship is special and should be handled with care.
Example #2:
Making a friend usually takes four stages. There are some scenarios were a friendship can happen instantly, but for the most part it takes time and stages to make a friendship known. First, we walk up to a person who looks inviting for our personality type. Second, we talk to that person to see if they have similar interest to ourselves. Third, we decide whether or not this person is worth the time and effort to make a friend. Finally, we accept that person and see if they accept us back. If they do then you have started the beautiful relationship of a friendship.
Example #3:
Two buddies laughing at a movie theater, spilling popcorn all over the floor, and whispering snide comments about 'how hot that chick looks.' They converse afterward about how awesomely fantastic the movie was and decide to go to dinner to talk more about it. The friends order two different meals but share their choices between themselves, so that they can have both options. They tell jokes, talk about the movie, and converse about how their mothers are always on them to do their chores. They are happy they have a buddy to share their life with. Someone they can be comfortable with; not worrying about how to act or what to say. At the end of the blissful day they give each other a manly hug-pat, say 'night bro,' and leave each other until the next day.
Example #4:
My grandmother would describe friendship as a good relationship that last a long time. It also includes hand-written letters and reunions. Although she is, for the most part, right in her assumptions of what friendship is, there is minor differences today. We use texting, emailing, and 'hanging out' to connect with our friends. Therefore, making a modern example of her older ideals on what friendship is.
Example #5:
You need to have friends in your life. Why? Because you need the social interaction and connection between at least one person. Unless you desire to become a lonely, old prick living with your cats and crying every night because you has no connection with anyone, you should have a friend. Connections with friends help us become social enough to speak to other people in the future.The social interaction that we get with friends prepares us to have social interaction with potential clients in the future. Friends can push us further that we would push ourselves and will stand by you when times get tough. Therefore having a friend make going through life a little easier.
Example #6:
Being friends and being emenies are obviously not the same thing. The two are polar opposites. Acquaintanceship, however, is similar to friendship, so it can be hard to tell the difference between the two. Friendship usually means going further than just talking in the halls at your school, or saying you'll plan an outing with that person, when you never actually do. Friendship is going the distance. Going out to event (fun or not fun, it does not matter), talking with each other through other forms of communication besides facebooking, sharing your personal life or feelings, and listening to the other person complaints usually makes a friendship.
In an acquaintanceship you are usually slacking off in these friendship duties and you are stuck at the shallow level, never going deeper. You only talk on facebook, you haven't seen each other in any other place besides school, and staying very distant with the other person only qualifies them to be your acquaintance. The difference between acquaintanceship and friendship is somewhat subtle, but once you start look deeper into your relationship with another person, the difference becomes more pronounced.
Example #7:
Being friends is more than just having something in common; it is getting to know someone at a deeper level. This level usually goes even further that your actual partner. The level of friendship is mainly mental, you have a connection with a person mainly because you know about their personality. Friends also usually share stuff about their family life, school life, and religion. When you are around a friend, you should not be nervous.
Friendship is all about being comfortable around the other person enough to have all different kinds of conversation, without worry of ridicule. You know when you are crossing the line with your friend and you know when to apologize and when you are going to far. You are hurt when your friend gets hurt, you are sad when your friend is sad, and you ask what you can do to help out if your friend has any problems. Friends are similar to family in that they are close to you, but you usually share more with your close friend opposed to your mother. Although friendship can be very personal and vulnerable, it is the necessary connection that we need in order to not become lonely.
Example #8:
Friendship is comparable to a puzzle; it is complicated. You need to find the pieces that fit, the ones that do not, and you can't give up on it. There are hundreds of pieces that make up a friendship but the main ones are love, hate, passion and intelligence. You are always going find flaws in your friends because no one is perfect, but the friends benefits need to outweigh their detriments. Love and hate go together in this; you need to find friends that you hate but with some flaws so your don't feel inferior to them.
If you are not passionate about making a friendship work, then it will not work. Once the relationship starts to get dull, then just like having a boyfriend/girlfriend, you grow distant from each other and likely will end the relationship. The final thing that is necessary to make a lasting friendship is similar thought process. You don't want a friend that makes you sound like a incompetent fool, you most likely want a friendship that makes you feel like equals. With all these pieces you can make a friendship that you can show off to the world.
Example #9:
Friendship is made when you start to see a connection between you and another person. Your heart is calm and relaxed because of the freedom that you can talk about anything with that person. Your brain can think of all different kinds of conversations without any problems and your body doesn't nervously twitch if the person leans towards you. The comfortableness leads you to open up and share your deepest, darkest secrets. The easiness lets you ramble on about nothing for hours at a time. Friendship lets you be yourself with another person without worry that they will think you are weird or leave the room. Thus making a safe haven for anytime you need to share something you are not so sure about or just need to get off your chest.
Example #10:
Some people might think friendship is all lollipops, laughing, and rainbows, but it is not always going to be like that. Fun times are only on the surface on what friendship appears to be. If you take shovel and dig into friendship you will find that it is more than just good times. Sometimes the bad times helps you become closer friends. A big argument, a loss of a loved one, or another damaging event can actually strengthen some friendships. Forgiveness and sympathy is essential to make the relationship become stronger in these situations. Without it, it is hard to recover from detrimental events in your or your friends life. Thus, the good and bad times reveal what friendship can withstand.
Friday, October 22, 2010
My pet peeves all sort of relate to people's behavior. There are some that relate to different issues but those will be named last. So let us begin.
First off I hate, absolutely detest, when people swallow something really big. Example: when someone has just taken a huge bite out of a burger and they don't want to chew all the way through so they just gulp it down. It makes a disturbing sound and it is hard to type about this because know I am thinking about it. Ok let's move on.
The second pet peeve I have is when people take their finger and begin to push their eyebrows in the opposite way then their natural hair growth. So basically, if they mess them up on purpose. I don't like this because I have an obsession with eyebrows, and if you disrupt the natural flow of your eyebrows...I don't know it just is upsetting for me.
I am getting tired of beginning these sentences with, thirdly, secondly, the first, etc, so I am just going to go with numbers.
3. I hate when rich people complain about not having enough. I mean, come on, their is crap going on out in the world and you are upset about how you don't have the latest technology. Go buy it yourself! That's what I do. Don't have a job? MAKE a job, a.k.a a business. Too hard? Your by yourself, and don't go asking for mommy and daddy's help! ( this one is a little harsh since we are in a recession and the unemployment rate is high, but it's just something that popped into my head. Sorry for any offense)
4. Ok so we talked about people behavior, let's get a little into some issues. LONG LINES. Gosh I hate them so much. I mean I have places to go, people to see. I don't have time to be waiting in a freakishly long line! Especially at lunch, that's the worst. You only have like 30min to eat and HALF of those are spent in line and then 2min are spent getting your stupid ketchup or condiments because there is another line for that! So really you only have 13 MINUTES to eat. 13 MINUTES? That's crazy, preposterous even. I like to have meals that you don't have to rush and can talk with friends. This is why I don't finish my food everyday.
5. This is my last one I promise. ( the last one I'll type down) I dislike when all the teachers have the audacity to give us huge assignments to do by the next day. Are you the only teacher in the world? NO we have THREE, count them THREE, other classes that we need to do. I don't want to be staying up till midnight finishing assignments, I have to get to bed. I need my sleep, or else I can't concentrate in class the next day, and then the homework was for NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! I hate homework assignments you can't take anything from. I know this issue might never change, but at least it's off my chest now.
Ok that is all of my rants for today. Onward to more homework.....AHHHHH!!!
First off I hate, absolutely detest, when people swallow something really big. Example: when someone has just taken a huge bite out of a burger and they don't want to chew all the way through so they just gulp it down. It makes a disturbing sound and it is hard to type about this because know I am thinking about it. Ok let's move on.
The second pet peeve I have is when people take their finger and begin to push their eyebrows in the opposite way then their natural hair growth. So basically, if they mess them up on purpose. I don't like this because I have an obsession with eyebrows, and if you disrupt the natural flow of your eyebrows...I don't know it just is upsetting for me.
I am getting tired of beginning these sentences with, thirdly, secondly, the first, etc, so I am just going to go with numbers.
3. I hate when rich people complain about not having enough. I mean, come on, their is crap going on out in the world and you are upset about how you don't have the latest technology. Go buy it yourself! That's what I do. Don't have a job? MAKE a job, a.k.a a business. Too hard? Your by yourself, and don't go asking for mommy and daddy's help! ( this one is a little harsh since we are in a recession and the unemployment rate is high, but it's just something that popped into my head. Sorry for any offense)
4. Ok so we talked about people behavior, let's get a little into some issues. LONG LINES. Gosh I hate them so much. I mean I have places to go, people to see. I don't have time to be waiting in a freakishly long line! Especially at lunch, that's the worst. You only have like 30min to eat and HALF of those are spent in line and then 2min are spent getting your stupid ketchup or condiments because there is another line for that! So really you only have 13 MINUTES to eat. 13 MINUTES? That's crazy, preposterous even. I like to have meals that you don't have to rush and can talk with friends. This is why I don't finish my food everyday.
5. This is my last one I promise. ( the last one I'll type down) I dislike when all the teachers have the audacity to give us huge assignments to do by the next day. Are you the only teacher in the world? NO we have THREE, count them THREE, other classes that we need to do. I don't want to be staying up till midnight finishing assignments, I have to get to bed. I need my sleep, or else I can't concentrate in class the next day, and then the homework was for NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! I hate homework assignments you can't take anything from. I know this issue might never change, but at least it's off my chest now.
Ok that is all of my rants for today. Onward to more homework.....AHHHHH!!!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Response to Manufacturing Constent with Links
In the documentary. Manufacturing Consent, Noam Chomsky was very compelling with all the statements he was making. Even if he was not on the mark at all times, he was very confident in what he was saying. In this world, people are more likely to jump on your band wagon if you bring up new issues that you feel devoted to. In other words, if you are confident, people will be more confident in you.
Noam Chomsky exemplified confidence in all of his speeches on why the world is being sheltered on the information that it receives. The news leaves out events and details that are important for a better understanding on the important issues in our society. Most people take the news for what it says and don't question its words or sayings. If people continue to do so, they will develop no mind of our own and take everything for what it is. Just as Noam Chomsky said in his interview, we need to develop our own opinions and immerse ourselves with more knowledge on different topics. To do this we have to look at other sources besides the news and magazines. There are plenty of resources out there for us to read and we just have to acquire them for our own use.*
I don't have to agree with Mr. Chomsky and neither does anyone else. In fact, it is better for me to have my own mind in this matter. For me I feel that the news is covering issues up for us. They are putting blinds over our eyes so that we don't see the darkness. In some ways, I view this to be beneficial. If we don't know about catastrophes, then our minds will be filled with lollipops in rainbows,(hypothetically). On the other hand, we can't ignore the people or places that are in turmoil. People help people and that is how the world is suppose to work. In other words, even though it is good to be blissful and ignorant, this world isn't fair and we need to help make it fairer.
The link below provides more information on why your opinion is important. For the jist of it, Julia Barnard, the author, says that having your own opinion helps you build confidence. She also states that making a blog or some other form of internet writing helps to get your opinions out into the world. This will help you get your insight out and also connect you with different ways to hear other peoples opinions. If you can get your opinion out to the world, you can bring about change. This change could be good or bad, and you can inspire others to take apart in some sort of change as well. If we can get people thinking about different issues in a new ways, then we can start to get people to make more opinions or debates about topics. This may led to bigger and better outcomes, on the optimistic side, and then make our world better. I am not saying that this will happen, but it could and I think we should take a chance on that. Therefore, people say you opinions and make changes in this media covered world!
*Note: I put we in to mean I and the people are taking news for what it is
Noam Chomsky exemplified confidence in all of his speeches on why the world is being sheltered on the information that it receives. The news leaves out events and details that are important for a better understanding on the important issues in our society. Most people take the news for what it says and don't question its words or sayings. If people continue to do so, they will develop no mind of our own and take everything for what it is. Just as Noam Chomsky said in his interview, we need to develop our own opinions and immerse ourselves with more knowledge on different topics. To do this we have to look at other sources besides the news and magazines. There are plenty of resources out there for us to read and we just have to acquire them for our own use.*
I don't have to agree with Mr. Chomsky and neither does anyone else. In fact, it is better for me to have my own mind in this matter. For me I feel that the news is covering issues up for us. They are putting blinds over our eyes so that we don't see the darkness. In some ways, I view this to be beneficial. If we don't know about catastrophes, then our minds will be filled with lollipops in rainbows,(hypothetically). On the other hand, we can't ignore the people or places that are in turmoil. People help people and that is how the world is suppose to work. In other words, even though it is good to be blissful and ignorant, this world isn't fair and we need to help make it fairer.
The link below provides more information on why your opinion is important. For the jist of it, Julia Barnard, the author, says that having your own opinion helps you build confidence. She also states that making a blog or some other form of internet writing helps to get your opinions out into the world. This will help you get your insight out and also connect you with different ways to hear other peoples opinions. If you can get your opinion out to the world, you can bring about change. This change could be good or bad, and you can inspire others to take apart in some sort of change as well. If we can get people thinking about different issues in a new ways, then we can start to get people to make more opinions or debates about topics. This may led to bigger and better outcomes, on the optimistic side, and then make our world better. I am not saying that this will happen, but it could and I think we should take a chance on that. Therefore, people say you opinions and make changes in this media covered world!
*Note: I put we in to mean I and the people are taking news for what it is
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Origins of My Title Sparkling Pink Sugar
Why did I make "Sparkling Pink Sugar" the title name of my blog? Because it has a special meaning to me. It isn't just some goofy name that I thought of spontaneously. The title has origins.
When I was a little girl I loved to watch television. My favorite shows to watch were cartoons and I would watch them constantly, everyday. My mom grew tired of me wasting my time watching T.V. so she made some time limits. She said that I could only chose one show to watch per day. The options at that time were the new and bright Powerpuff Girls series and the popular yet intriguing Pokemon series. Which one did I choose? Well, since I am a girl and I loved new things, I had to go for Powerpuff Girls. The show was funtastically amazing. The vibrant colors and the misshapen girls were so interesting to me. They would go on these adventures to fight crime and evil. The best of all was that they were made form artificial ingredients. This in turn led to my title.
"Sugar, spice and everything nice these were the ingredients to make the perfect little girls." This was the introduction every time an episode showed. They would show this professor mixing these ingredients into a pot. Then suddenly these girls would appear once he accidentally added chemical X. It was amazing to see the transformation between them being powder to girls and then fight, so I kept on watching the series. Part of my title came from part of the opening introduction; the "sugar" part. Thus, making the last word in my title.
So were did the sparkling pink come from? Well, my favorite color is sparkling white because I love anything that deals with magic and fairy dust. So that were the sparkle came from. The pink is just there because It brings the two words together nicely. There isn't much more to it than that. So know I have an awesome title filled with some of my past memories. You have more information about why I named my blog Sparkling Pink Sugar. Pat yourself of the back for reading you did a good job. Till next time.
When I was a little girl I loved to watch television. My favorite shows to watch were cartoons and I would watch them constantly, everyday. My mom grew tired of me wasting my time watching T.V. so she made some time limits. She said that I could only chose one show to watch per day. The options at that time were the new and bright Powerpuff Girls series and the popular yet intriguing Pokemon series. Which one did I choose? Well, since I am a girl and I loved new things, I had to go for Powerpuff Girls. The show was funtastically amazing. The vibrant colors and the misshapen girls were so interesting to me. They would go on these adventures to fight crime and evil. The best of all was that they were made form artificial ingredients. This in turn led to my title.
"Sugar, spice and everything nice these were the ingredients to make the perfect little girls." This was the introduction every time an episode showed. They would show this professor mixing these ingredients into a pot. Then suddenly these girls would appear once he accidentally added chemical X. It was amazing to see the transformation between them being powder to girls and then fight, so I kept on watching the series. Part of my title came from part of the opening introduction; the "sugar" part. Thus, making the last word in my title.
So were did the sparkling pink come from? Well, my favorite color is sparkling white because I love anything that deals with magic and fairy dust. So that were the sparkle came from. The pink is just there because It brings the two words together nicely. There isn't much more to it than that. So know I have an awesome title filled with some of my past memories. You have more information about why I named my blog Sparkling Pink Sugar. Pat yourself of the back for reading you did a good job. Till next time.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
You Changed Me
BAM!! BOOM!! POW!! An explosion of important figures have served their time or are still in this world. These figures include George Washington, Oprah Winfrey, President Obama, Martin Luther King Jr, etc. The list could potentially go on for days since there are many people who contributed/contribute to this society. Of these incredulous people there are hundreds, maybe even thousands of which I would love to have a conversation with, but there is one out of them all that I want to talk to the most. His name is Hayao Miyazaki, his occupation is an animator/artist extraordinaire.
Now you might be asking yourself why him? Why out of all the people throughout history would she pick someone like him? He isn’t a political leader, someone historic, or well known. Well I know he doesn't have all of these features, but I don’t care about that, I care about what he is. He is an inspirational artist. He is the creator of many movies that I could only dream of creating. He is artistic genius! I aspire to be at his caliber of artistry. I want to have the drive that makes him develop so many incredible stories. I desire to be the female version of him, and to have people knowing me here and there from all over the world. It would be great to be famous without all the fame, because then I could live my life and enjoy it too. This is one dream of mine but another is to actually talk to him.
To be able to speak with Hayao Miyazaki would be the opportunity of a life time. I would be able to talk to him about where he got his inspirations from, why he made his stories, and why he is an artist. I would be able to congratulate and applaud him for being such a dramatic influence in my life. He made me push my artistic skills even further. He made me think that I could maybe be like him someday. To be an animator, an inspirer, a person who wants to share their story with the world would be one life time goal of mine that I would love to accomplish. I would tell him how proud I was of him; this might be a little unkiltered but I would say it anyway. In fact, if I were to meet him I probably would jumble up my words, and loose my train of thought because I would be so ‘ah struck’. Nonetheless, I would love every minute of it.
I imagine him to be such a kind fellow because if his soft and serene animations. He seems to me like a man who will push until the very end, and never stop trying. He probably would be so courteous as well and shake my hand and politely say, “Hello Gene’t, so nice of you to come and see me today.” Of course he would know my name because he would tell his people to read up one me. Also he would speak that little bit of English to me to show that he *cared. This is just a thought, but in reality it would be make my day. Though none of this may be true about him, I infer that he would be like this in my mind.
Hayao Miyazaki is an important person in my life. He might not be in yours or the next person, but that doesn’t necessarily matter to me. If the person makes the slightest positive difference in my life, they are important to me. They don’t have to be perfect, but if their assets outweigh their flaws then that makes them beneficial in my life. Mr. Miyazaki gave that to me and I will be forever grateful to him. I will close with this, thank you Mr. Miyazaki, thank you, and I hope to met you someday.
*His main language is Japanese since he lives in Japan.
Now you might be asking yourself why him? Why out of all the people throughout history would she pick someone like him? He isn’t a political leader, someone historic, or well known. Well I know he doesn't have all of these features, but I don’t care about that, I care about what he is. He is an inspirational artist. He is the creator of many movies that I could only dream of creating. He is artistic genius! I aspire to be at his caliber of artistry. I want to have the drive that makes him develop so many incredible stories. I desire to be the female version of him, and to have people knowing me here and there from all over the world. It would be great to be famous without all the fame, because then I could live my life and enjoy it too. This is one dream of mine but another is to actually talk to him.
To be able to speak with Hayao Miyazaki would be the opportunity of a life time. I would be able to talk to him about where he got his inspirations from, why he made his stories, and why he is an artist. I would be able to congratulate and applaud him for being such a dramatic influence in my life. He made me push my artistic skills even further. He made me think that I could maybe be like him someday. To be an animator, an inspirer, a person who wants to share their story with the world would be one life time goal of mine that I would love to accomplish. I would tell him how proud I was of him; this might be a little unkiltered but I would say it anyway. In fact, if I were to meet him I probably would jumble up my words, and loose my train of thought because I would be so ‘ah struck’. Nonetheless, I would love every minute of it.
I imagine him to be such a kind fellow because if his soft and serene animations. He seems to me like a man who will push until the very end, and never stop trying. He probably would be so courteous as well and shake my hand and politely say, “Hello Gene’t, so nice of you to come and see me today.” Of course he would know my name because he would tell his people to read up one me. Also he would speak that little bit of English to me to show that he *cared. This is just a thought, but in reality it would be make my day. Though none of this may be true about him, I infer that he would be like this in my mind.
Hayao Miyazaki is an important person in my life. He might not be in yours or the next person, but that doesn’t necessarily matter to me. If the person makes the slightest positive difference in my life, they are important to me. They don’t have to be perfect, but if their assets outweigh their flaws then that makes them beneficial in my life. Mr. Miyazaki gave that to me and I will be forever grateful to him. I will close with this, thank you Mr. Miyazaki, thank you, and I hope to met you someday.
*His main language is Japanese since he lives in Japan.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
I am a not really a writer, but I do write and have opinions on writing. I like to write whenever I feel that it is necessary. Writing for me just has to flow right out of you. It isn't something that you over think about. When it is assigned I also write but that isn't the kind of writing that I enjoy the most. Writing is free expression on whatever you are feeling or need to express. I sometimes do this to just get my voice on a piece of paper instead of saying it with my voice verbally. This makes for a good writing in my opinion.
I write when I feel the need to. If I don't feel like it, then I won't write. When the thoughts and ideas are fresh in my head, that is the best time to write. Then you can put down so much more info then if you were just going into writing with no ideas or thoughts. There is always a good time to write but you have to keep in mind that it might not be good writing.
Me and writing aren't so close right now. We still need time to develop our relationship but I know that it will come with time. I just need to know what to say to writing, because right now it is a little awkward. The more I spend time with it the more I will like it and vise versa. Me and writing will be close one day I just know it. ;)
Our relationship is probably on the rocks because I have been neglecting it. I haven't been putting any effort into the relationship and have sot out other things/subjects. Writing got a little jealous and I guess it has the right to since I have lost interest in the past. We will just have to see what happens this year with our relationship.
OK so you heard about me and writing. You know my little rant on our relationship and have heard why I write. This is just my personal opinion on writing but if you have a different on feel free to comment below. Well then, Later Days!
I write when I feel the need to. If I don't feel like it, then I won't write. When the thoughts and ideas are fresh in my head, that is the best time to write. Then you can put down so much more info then if you were just going into writing with no ideas or thoughts. There is always a good time to write but you have to keep in mind that it might not be good writing.
Me and writing aren't so close right now. We still need time to develop our relationship but I know that it will come with time. I just need to know what to say to writing, because right now it is a little awkward. The more I spend time with it the more I will like it and vise versa. Me and writing will be close one day I just know it. ;)
Our relationship is probably on the rocks because I have been neglecting it. I haven't been putting any effort into the relationship and have sot out other things/subjects. Writing got a little jealous and I guess it has the right to since I have lost interest in the past. We will just have to see what happens this year with our relationship.
OK so you heard about me and writing. You know my little rant on our relationship and have heard why I write. This is just my personal opinion on writing but if you have a different on feel free to comment below. Well then, Later Days!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
About Moi
Ok, so i realized that I didn't really put anything down about myself. I have just been blogging about my day, my business, or other things. SOoo, let's get down to business. (Not to be redundant...) Well I am person who sometimes is extremely lazy and doesn't want to do ANYTHING!!! Then there are days when I want to get everything done perfectly and correct. I guess it is just and idiosyncrasy of mine. (By the way that is one of my favorite words *idiosyncrasy) I always am up for improving myself because I know I have flaws. I also trying to get a better understanding on life in general and I also want to understand people. To help me accomplish this goal I am taking Psychology in school. So far it is very interesting to me and I think it will stimulate me intellectually. Uhh...I began to talk about school...ok back to me.
So when I was little, (and kinda still today) I loved to memorize theme songs to cartoons. I am a little weird in that I memorized every theme song to every show that I ever saw. I sort of forgot the lyrics to songs now, so if you see me, the answer is no I can't sing the theme song to any cartoon right now. (sorry) Another thing about me is that I LOVE <3 Asian food!!! I could eat it everyday for the rest of my life. It is the only thing that won't make me gag when I am feeling nauseated. Ok fruit as well....but nothing else!! Don't get me wrong I also <3 my races food, Caribbean food, but if I had a choice one day it would be Asian food hands down. Now that you know a little about my childhood and food preference lets move on to another subject.
One more food topic; well, sorta food topic. CANDY!! I am obsessed with it. Don't give it to me! I WILL, REPEAT,WILL EAT IT ALL! I don't have any self control when if comes to candy. When I say candy I usually mean Sour Patch Kids, Jolly Ranchers, or Suckers. Chocolate is not something I get so obsessed about only because it makes me break out :/. Just yesterday I was eating a box of Sour Patch Kids and before I knew it they were all gone...Then I became sad :'( Then I wanted more but I didn't want to spend anymore of my hard earned cash. That's another thing about me, I don't enjoy spending all of my money. I guess no one really does but it bugs me because then I know I can't buy anything else. (If I spelled or made a grammatical error in any part of this post I am sorry...that is one of my weaknesses. Grammar and me don't really get along. Our relationship is sorta on the rocks right now...) Wow, this post is getting kinda long...almost done.
You may have noticed that i put a lot of "....." in post. That is only because sometimes I make things really awkward or I think things become awkward for no apparent reason. It's another idiosyncrasy of mine. I am trying to get better with that one though. If I get better at that I will try to look for a job. I don't really want one right at the moment but in the near future I will be searching. Fun stuff will be happening for me around the corner since I am going to be pushing my self to the limit and joining a lot of clubs. I want to do the best I possibly can in High school. It is my time to make a name for myself. No time for standing in the background, "I can't back down, there's to much at stake! This is serious!" <--- that was a little Disney moment right there. My family and I are major devoted fans to Disney. I might want to work for them someday but i most likely will work for myself. Entrepreneurs out there, watch out! OK ,well I think that is enough about me for now....Till we meet again.
So when I was little, (and kinda still today) I loved to memorize theme songs to cartoons. I am a little weird in that I memorized every theme song to every show that I ever saw. I sort of forgot the lyrics to songs now, so if you see me, the answer is no I can't sing the theme song to any cartoon right now. (sorry) Another thing about me is that I LOVE <3 Asian food!!! I could eat it everyday for the rest of my life. It is the only thing that won't make me gag when I am feeling nauseated. Ok fruit as well....but nothing else!! Don't get me wrong I also <3 my races food, Caribbean food, but if I had a choice one day it would be Asian food hands down. Now that you know a little about my childhood and food preference lets move on to another subject.
One more food topic; well, sorta food topic. CANDY!! I am obsessed with it. Don't give it to me! I WILL, REPEAT,WILL EAT IT ALL! I don't have any self control when if comes to candy. When I say candy I usually mean Sour Patch Kids, Jolly Ranchers, or Suckers. Chocolate is not something I get so obsessed about only because it makes me break out :/. Just yesterday I was eating a box of Sour Patch Kids and before I knew it they were all gone...Then I became sad :'( Then I wanted more but I didn't want to spend anymore of my hard earned cash. That's another thing about me, I don't enjoy spending all of my money. I guess no one really does but it bugs me because then I know I can't buy anything else. (If I spelled or made a grammatical error in any part of this post I am sorry...that is one of my weaknesses. Grammar and me don't really get along. Our relationship is sorta on the rocks right now...) Wow, this post is getting kinda long...almost done.
You may have noticed that i put a lot of "....." in post. That is only because sometimes I make things really awkward or I think things become awkward for no apparent reason. It's another idiosyncrasy of mine. I am trying to get better with that one though. If I get better at that I will try to look for a job. I don't really want one right at the moment but in the near future I will be searching. Fun stuff will be happening for me around the corner since I am going to be pushing my self to the limit and joining a lot of clubs. I want to do the best I possibly can in High school. It is my time to make a name for myself. No time for standing in the background, "I can't back down, there's to much at stake! This is serious!" <--- that was a little Disney moment right there. My family and I are major devoted fans to Disney. I might want to work for them someday but i most likely will work for myself. Entrepreneurs out there, watch out! OK ,well I think that is enough about me for now....Till we meet again.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Finally it is Friday!!
Thank goodness that it is friday because je suis tres fatique. a.k.a. I am super tired. I have a major homework load this year, well major for me, and so I have become more tired everyday. I think that it will get better once my body recognizes that the amount of sleep I am going to get is going to be the norm for a long time. :(
Well, on the positive side, this weekend I am going to get my business more situated. If you haven't visited my jewelry site yet it is I would recommend that you check the page after the weekend so that you can get the full effect of my pieces :D. I have created alot of new ones so it should add alot of interest to my site. I hope that you enjoy them as well and if you do just post a comment on either my facebook or just right here on my blog.
Sorry that my posts are so long :/ I will try to make them shorter in the near future. You guys all have lives and so do I don't want to you or I to be spending it on just my blog. My words of advise ENJOY LIFE!!! Then again it wouldn't hurt to check out this blog from time to time. ;) Thanks for listening. Till we meet again.
Well, on the positive side, this weekend I am going to get my business more situated. If you haven't visited my jewelry site yet it is I would recommend that you check the page after the weekend so that you can get the full effect of my pieces :D. I have created alot of new ones so it should add alot of interest to my site. I hope that you enjoy them as well and if you do just post a comment on either my facebook or just right here on my blog.
Sorry that my posts are so long :/ I will try to make them shorter in the near future. You guys all have lives and so do I don't want to you or I to be spending it on just my blog. My words of advise ENJOY LIFE!!! Then again it wouldn't hurt to check out this blog from time to time. ;) Thanks for listening. Till we meet again.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Lee min ho
Over the summer i went to three college camps, and all of which were truly unforgettable. They taught me so much and i will apply that knowledge to my everyday life. I also made friends from all over the country, and now i can put to use all those contacts with my new networking system. The friends that i made also introduced me to new things that i had never tried before.
At my first college camp I met this girl and she loved Korean Dramas. She asked if I watched them as well. I have never even heard of korean dramas, but in order to make a new friend i said that i watched them. Since if felt guilty that I lied about watching Korean Dramas i decided to check out what they are about. This brings me to my next discovery.
I started watching them for the first time and i thought, "OK this is alright i guess". That was just my first thought though until i saw boys over flowers. The show introduced me to what Korean Dramas are all about romance, comedy and tragedy. It also introduced me to a new actor to be a fan of and his name is Lee Min Ho.
Now Lee Min Ho had been acting for years but none of his works got recognized. This one did and for a good reason. His acting and his look in this series really made the series come to life. He could play his role extremely well which made his drama the #1 watched series on the online site. Below are some links and pictures of his works and his pictures. This post is in dedication to my new Korean Drama obsession and Lee Min Ho!
Here is the link to watch Boys Over Flowers:
Here are some fantastic pictures of Lee Min Ho and his work:

At my first college camp I met this girl and she loved Korean Dramas. She asked if I watched them as well. I have never even heard of korean dramas, but in order to make a new friend i said that i watched them. Since if felt guilty that I lied about watching Korean Dramas i decided to check out what they are about. This brings me to my next discovery.
I started watching them for the first time and i thought, "OK this is alright i guess". That was just my first thought though until i saw boys over flowers. The show introduced me to what Korean Dramas are all about romance, comedy and tragedy. It also introduced me to a new actor to be a fan of and his name is Lee Min Ho.
Now Lee Min Ho had been acting for years but none of his works got recognized. This one did and for a good reason. His acting and his look in this series really made the series come to life. He could play his role extremely well which made his drama the #1 watched series on the online site. Below are some links and pictures of his works and his pictures. This post is in dedication to my new Korean Drama obsession and Lee Min Ho!
Here is the link to watch Boys Over Flowers:
Here are some fantastic pictures of Lee Min Ho and his work:

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