Friday, October 22, 2010


My pet peeves all sort of relate to people's behavior. There are some that relate to different issues but those will be named last. So let us begin.

 First off I hate, absolutely detest, when people swallow something really big. Example: when someone has just taken a huge bite out of a burger and they don't want to chew all the way through so they just gulp it down. It makes a disturbing sound and it is hard to type about this because know I am thinking about it. Ok let's move on.

The second pet peeve I have is when people take their finger and begin to push their eyebrows in the opposite way then their natural hair growth. So basically, if they mess them up on purpose. I don't like this because I have an obsession with eyebrows, and if you disrupt the natural flow of your eyebrows...I don't know it just is upsetting for me.

 I am getting tired of beginning these sentences with, thirdly, secondly, the first, etc, so I am just going to go with numbers.

3. I hate when rich people complain about not having enough. I mean, come on, their is crap going on out in the world and you are upset about how you don't have the latest technology. Go buy it yourself! That's what I do. Don't have a job? MAKE a job, a.k.a a business. Too hard? Your by yourself, and don't go asking for mommy and daddy's help! ( this one is a little harsh since we are in a recession and the unemployment rate is high, but it's just something that popped into my head. Sorry for any offense)

4. Ok so we talked about people behavior, let's get a little into some issues. LONG LINES. Gosh I hate them so much. I mean I have places to go, people to see. I don't have time to be waiting in a freakishly long line! Especially at lunch, that's the worst. You only have like 30min to eat and HALF of those are spent in line and then 2min are spent getting your stupid ketchup or condiments because there is another line for that! So really you only have 13 MINUTES to eat. 13 MINUTES? That's crazy, preposterous even. I like to have meals that you don't have to rush and can talk with friends. This is why I don't finish my food everyday.

5. This is my last one I promise. ( the last one I'll type down) I dislike when all the teachers have the audacity to give us huge assignments to do by the next day.  Are you the only teacher in the world? NO we have THREE, count them THREE, other classes that we need to do. I don't want to be staying up till midnight finishing assignments, I have to get to bed. I need my sleep, or else I can't concentrate in class the next day, and then the homework was for NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! I hate homework assignments you can't take anything from. I know this issue might never change, but at least it's off my chest now.

Ok that is all of my rants for today. Onward to more homework.....AHHHHH!!!

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