Monday, November 15, 2010

Response to Two Million Minutes Documentary

                   The documentary portrayed Americans to not be as focused in their education system and Asian countries to be dedicated and direct with theirs. This outlook made Americans seem be rearing towards the wrong direction in life, and Asian countries going towards the right direction in life. In my opinion, the education system the Asian countries are focusing on does not apply for every individual there or anywhere else. Everyone is unique and has their own goals in life. Forcing math and science on people in school will not make a success out of everyone. Sure they need to make a safe career and sure they need to support their family but math and science are not the only fields that can make you a success.
                  If the whole world only focused on the intelligence level and analytical skills the world would be proficient but people would fall behind. There would be less opportunities to succeed in other fields that require education in artistic fields. We need to have a creative aspect in our lives, the fun, the trait that makes us different from the crowd. Being a person who is only focused on being a success all the time makes for a stressful life, that never slows down. Without someone to write well about the discoveries that were made in the science and math fields people would not understand the discoveries made. Without someone to create to look for the newest model whatever, product would not sell as many. Without the creativity of the world, life would become unadventurous.

                We do however need to change our system in America. This is the land of opportunity, so we need to make it a fair one for everyone. Our education system isn't so much lacking in the structure as much as it is on the content. To be well rounded, to be a different from the next crowd, we need to be able to receive an education that can help us do so. We need teachers and books that teach us that as well and our own will to expand upon from their knowledge.

               As stated in the movie," Americans work a lot but the distribution is skewed." That is only so that we become knowledgeable in many areas of life and different cultures. Learning 'hands on' in more popular that working directly from the book and that is only because you can apply more and understand more. To be cultured and diverse gives us that edge in the world industry. The Asian countries lives seem to be set in stone and laid out for them without any glimpse of change. Americans experience more with trial and error. We might not be the most proficient in math but when you look back on your life you are not going to think of all the equations that you did or problems that you solved, you are most likely going to think about the lives that you changed and the experiences changed you. Life isn't always about being on top and the best; sometimes it is about experience and doing what you love that makes an impact on your life.

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