Friday, December 31, 2010

Weather Changes

Blink…Blimp…Blomp…Blint. I looked out the window one morning and discovered that it is raining outside. The rain was washing away the pure white snow that had been on the ground for days. The snow piles were gigantic. They were the size of me, which is five feet and one and a half inches. When I tried to go over one of the snow piles I was submerged in the frigid icy snow. It felt like I was a human popsicle. I squirmed around, pushing this way and that, and I finally was free from the snow pile monster. I was wet then. Not only was I wet from the melting snow, but also from the rain that was falling from the sky. I felt uncomfortable in my fuzzy blue sweater that was now drenched with liquid. So I decided to go inside my house to change clothes and settle by the nice warm fire.

There was a problem. The garage door was not working. This wouldn't be a problem if I had remembered my house key but that was tucked away in the left pocket of my backpack up in the living room. I had no choice. I had to knock on the door. The thing was, my mother was sleeping inside and if I woke her up I knew she would be upset. Knock, knock knock….No answer. Knockety knock knock. Still no answer, so i tried one more time. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK! I saw a glimpse some fabric. It was the fabric to my mom's shirt. She slowly opened the door and I could see the tired look on her face. We didn't say a word to each other for a moment. "You forgot your key again…didn't you?" she said. "Yes" I respond in a quiet voice. She went back up to her room and I to mine. I was luck that time. She was too tired to respond angrily because I woke her up. That made me happy. I continued on with my day after I changed my clothes. What was a wet cold day turned into a dry warm luxury. I like when weather changes but I especially like when I can change the temperature myself.

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