Sunday, December 12, 2010

Margaret Sanger: The Children's Era

This video is a bit more concise than her actual speech and it is preformed by a cartoon but it gets the point across. She is basically saying that we need to pay more attention to babies before they are born. We should make requirements for parents so that we do not have messed up people like criminals and pedophiles. She uses the analogy of a gardener to give a comparison on nurturing children. She says if we don't take care of our seeds, weeds will overrun it. I think this is effective because I can visualize what she is trying to argue.

Although she her points for parenthood are extreme, if we had her standards for parenting we would have better quality people. This also means alot of problems for the people who do not fit her standards and our population would quickly diminish. I think this is similar to Jonathon Swift's essay "Modest Proposal" in that both want to eliminate poverty and get rid of insufficient babies. They both make good points but their proposals are are also unrealistic. People would not adjust to their standards on who can keep their babies.

PS: The last five seconds of this video were unexpected. Ignore it if you can. All the other points she made were relevant and added to her speech.

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