Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I am a not really a writer, but I do write and have opinions on writing. I like to write whenever I feel that it is necessary. Writing for me just has to flow right out of you. It isn't something that you over think about. When it is assigned I also write but that isn't the kind of writing that I enjoy the most. Writing is free expression on whatever you are feeling or need to express. I sometimes do this to just get my voice on a piece of paper instead of saying it with my voice verbally. This makes for a good writing in my opinion.

I write when I feel the need to. If I don't feel like it, then I won't write. When the thoughts and ideas are fresh in my head, that is the best time to write. Then you can put down so much more info then if you were just going into writing with no ideas or thoughts. There is always a good time to write but you have to keep in mind that it might not be good writing.

Me and writing aren't so close right now. We still need time to develop our relationship but I know that it will come with time. I just need to know what to say to writing, because right now it is a little awkward. The more I spend time with it the more I will like it and vise versa. Me and writing will be close one day I just know it. ;)

Our relationship is probably on the rocks because I have been neglecting it. I haven't been putting any effort into the relationship and have sot out other things/subjects. Writing got a little jealous and I guess it has the right to since I have lost interest in the past. We will just have to see what happens this year with our relationship.

OK so you heard about me and writing. You know my little rant on our relationship and have heard why I write. This is just my personal opinion on writing but if you have a different on feel free to comment below. Well then, Later Days! 


  1. Hi Genet,
    I think I know what you're trying to say from your post. We're kind of similar I guess..
    I like writing but I don't spend so much time on it. I think it's because there are so many rules to follow but then again, Mrs Cardona said that once you become a published author, you can change and twist all the rules you want.

    From your BFF :)
    Sarah Mia

  2. Hmm. Genet, relationships require a lot of work. You need to spend some quality time together and see how you goes. I mean, you're meant for each other. ;)
    But more seriously, I agree that writing is best when you have something to say, not just writing for writing's sake.
