Thursday, October 7, 2010

Origins of My Title Sparkling Pink Sugar

       Why did I make "Sparkling Pink Sugar" the title name of my blog? Because it has a special meaning to me. It isn't just some goofy name that I thought of spontaneously. The title has origins.

         When I was a little girl I loved to watch television. My favorite shows to watch were cartoons and I would watch them constantly, everyday. My mom grew tired of me wasting my time watching  T.V. so she made some time limits. She said that I could only chose one show to watch per day. The options at that time were the new and bright Powerpuff Girls series and  the popular yet intriguing Pokemon series. Which one did I choose? Well, since I am a girl and I loved new things, I had to go for Powerpuff Girls. The show was funtastically amazing. The vibrant colors and the misshapen girls were so interesting to me. They would go on these adventures to fight crime and evil. The best of all was that they were made form artificial ingredients. This in turn led to my title.

          "Sugar, spice and everything nice these were the ingredients to make the perfect little girls." This was the introduction every time an episode showed. They would show this professor mixing these ingredients into a pot. Then suddenly these girls would appear once he accidentally added chemical X. It was amazing to see the transformation between them being powder to girls and then fight, so I kept on watching the series. Part of my title came from part of the opening introduction; the "sugar" part. Thus, making the last word in my title.

         So were did the sparkling pink come from? Well, my favorite color is sparkling white because I love anything that deals with magic and fairy dust. So that were the sparkle came from. The pink is just there because It brings the two words together nicely. There isn't much more to it than that. So know I have an awesome title filled with some of my past memories.  You have more information about why I named my blog Sparkling Pink Sugar. Pat yourself of the back for reading you did a good job. Till next time.

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