Sunday, September 19, 2010

You Changed Me

           BAM!! BOOM!! POW!! An explosion of important figures have served their time or are still in this world. These figures include George Washington, Oprah Winfrey, President Obama, Martin Luther King Jr, etc. The list could potentially go on for days since there are many people who contributed/contribute to this society. Of these incredulous people there are hundreds, maybe even thousands of which I would love to have a conversation with, but there is one out of them all that I want to talk to the most. His name is Hayao Miyazaki, his occupation is an animator/artist extraordinaire.

           Now you might be asking yourself why him? Why out of all the people throughout history would she pick someone like him? He isn’t a political leader, someone historic, or well known. Well I know he doesn't have all of these features, but I don’t care about that, I care about what he is. He is an inspirational artist. He is the creator of many movies that I could only dream of creating. He is artistic genius! I aspire to be at his caliber of artistry. I want to have the drive that makes him develop so many incredible stories. I desire to be the female version of him, and to have people knowing me here and there from all over the world. It would be great to be famous without all the fame, because then I could live my life and enjoy it too. This is one dream of mine but another is to actually talk to him.

          To be able to speak with Hayao Miyazaki would be the opportunity of a life time. I would be able to talk to him about where he got his inspirations from, why he made his stories, and why he is an artist. I would be able to congratulate and applaud him for being such a dramatic influence in my life. He made me push my artistic skills even further. He made me think that I could maybe be like him someday. To be an animator, an inspirer, a person who wants to share their story with the world would be one life time goal of mine that I would love to accomplish. I would tell him how proud I was of him; this might be a little unkiltered but I would say it anyway. In fact, if I were to meet him I probably would jumble up my words, and loose my train of thought because I would be so ‘ah struck’. Nonetheless, I would love every minute of it.

           I imagine him to be such a kind fellow because if his soft and serene animations. He seems to me like a man who will push until the very end, and never stop trying. He probably would be so courteous as well and shake my hand and politely say, “Hello Gene’t, so nice of you to come and see me today.” Of course he would know my name because he would tell his people to read up one me. Also he would speak that little bit of English to me to show that he *cared. This is just a thought, but in reality it would be make my day. Though none of this may be true about him, I infer that he would be like this in my mind.

           Hayao Miyazaki is an important person in my life. He might not be in yours or the next person, but that doesn’t necessarily matter to me. If the person makes the slightest positive difference in my life, they are important to me. They don’t have to be perfect, but if their assets outweigh their flaws then that makes them beneficial in my life. Mr. Miyazaki gave that to me and I will be forever grateful to him. I will close with this, thank you Mr. Miyazaki, thank you, and I hope to met you someday.

*His main language is Japanese since he lives in Japan.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I am a not really a writer, but I do write and have opinions on writing. I like to write whenever I feel that it is necessary. Writing for me just has to flow right out of you. It isn't something that you over think about. When it is assigned I also write but that isn't the kind of writing that I enjoy the most. Writing is free expression on whatever you are feeling or need to express. I sometimes do this to just get my voice on a piece of paper instead of saying it with my voice verbally. This makes for a good writing in my opinion.

I write when I feel the need to. If I don't feel like it, then I won't write. When the thoughts and ideas are fresh in my head, that is the best time to write. Then you can put down so much more info then if you were just going into writing with no ideas or thoughts. There is always a good time to write but you have to keep in mind that it might not be good writing.

Me and writing aren't so close right now. We still need time to develop our relationship but I know that it will come with time. I just need to know what to say to writing, because right now it is a little awkward. The more I spend time with it the more I will like it and vise versa. Me and writing will be close one day I just know it. ;)

Our relationship is probably on the rocks because I have been neglecting it. I haven't been putting any effort into the relationship and have sot out other things/subjects. Writing got a little jealous and I guess it has the right to since I have lost interest in the past. We will just have to see what happens this year with our relationship.

OK so you heard about me and writing. You know my little rant on our relationship and have heard why I write. This is just my personal opinion on writing but if you have a different on feel free to comment below. Well then, Later Days! 

Saturday, September 11, 2010

About Moi

Ok, so i realized that I didn't really put anything down about myself. I have just been blogging about my day, my business, or other things. SOoo, let's get down to business. (Not to be redundant...) Well I am person who sometimes is extremely lazy and doesn't want to do ANYTHING!!! Then there are days when I want to get everything done perfectly and correct. I guess it is just and idiosyncrasy of mine. (By the way that is one of my favorite words *idiosyncrasy) I always am up for improving myself because I know I have flaws.  I also trying to get a better understanding on life in general and I also want to understand people. To help me accomplish this goal I am taking Psychology in school. So far it is very interesting to me and I think it will stimulate me intellectually. Uhh...I began to talk about school...ok back to me.

So when I was little, (and kinda still today) I loved to memorize theme songs to cartoons. I am a little weird in that I memorized every theme song to every show that I ever saw. I sort of forgot the lyrics to songs now, so if you see me, the answer is no I can't sing the theme song to any cartoon right now. (sorry) Another thing about me is that I LOVE <3 Asian food!!! I could eat it everyday for the rest of my life. It is the only thing that won't make me gag when I am feeling nauseated. Ok fruit as well....but nothing else!! Don't get me wrong I also <3 my races food, Caribbean food, but if I had a choice one day it would be Asian food hands down. Now that you know a little about my childhood and food preference lets move on to another subject.

One more food topic; well, sorta food topic.  CANDY!! I am obsessed with it. Don't give it to me! I WILL, REPEAT,WILL EAT IT ALL! I don't have any self control when if comes to candy. When I say candy I usually mean Sour Patch Kids, Jolly Ranchers, or Suckers. Chocolate is not something I get so obsessed about only because it makes me break out :/. Just yesterday I was eating a box of Sour Patch Kids and before I knew it they were all gone...Then I became sad :'( Then I wanted more but I didn't want to spend anymore of my hard earned cash. That's another thing about me, I don't enjoy spending all of my money. I guess no one really does but it bugs me because then I know I can't buy anything else. (If I spelled or made a grammatical error in any part of this post I am sorry...that is one of my weaknesses. Grammar and me don't really get along. Our relationship is sorta on the rocks right now...) Wow, this post is getting kinda long...almost done.

You may have noticed that i put a lot of "....." in post. That is only because sometimes I make things really awkward or I think things become awkward for no apparent reason. It's another idiosyncrasy of mine. I am trying to get better with that one though. If I get better at that I will try to look for a job. I don't really want one right at the moment but in the near future I will be searching. Fun stuff will be happening for me around the corner since I am going to be pushing my self to the limit and joining a lot of clubs. I want to do the best I possibly can in High school. It is my time to make a name for myself. No time for standing in the background, "I can't back down, there's to much at stake! This is serious!" <--- that was a little Disney moment right there. My family and I are major devoted fans to Disney. I might want to work for them someday but i most likely will work for myself. Entrepreneurs out there, watch out! OK ,well I think that is enough about me for now....Till we meet again.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Finally it is Friday!!

Thank goodness that it is friday because je suis tres fatique. a.k.a. I am super tired. I have a major homework load this year, well major for me, and so I have become more tired everyday. I think that it will get better once my body recognizes that the amount of sleep I am going to get is going to be the norm for a long time. :(

Well, on the positive side, this weekend I am going to get my business more situated. If you haven't visited my jewelry site yet it is I would recommend that you check the page after the weekend so that you can get the full effect of my pieces :D. I have created alot of new ones so it should add alot of interest to my site. I hope that you enjoy them as well and if you do just post a comment on either my facebook or just right here on  my blog.

Sorry that my posts are so long :/ I will try to make them shorter in the near future. You guys all have lives and so do I don't want to you or I to be spending it on just my blog. My words of advise ENJOY LIFE!!! Then again it wouldn't hurt to check out this blog from time to time. ;) Thanks for listening.  Till we meet again.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Lee min ho

Over the summer i went to three college camps, and all of which were truly unforgettable. They taught me so much and i will apply that knowledge to my everyday life. I also made friends from all over the country, and now i can put to use all those contacts with my new networking system. The friends that i made also introduced me to new things that i had never tried before.

At my first college camp I met this girl and she loved Korean Dramas. She asked if I watched them as well. I have never even heard of korean dramas, but in order to make a new friend i said that i watched them. Since if felt guilty that I lied about watching Korean Dramas i decided to check out what they are about. This brings me to my next discovery.

I started watching them for the first time and i thought, "OK this is alright i guess". That was just my first thought though until i saw boys over flowers. The show introduced me to what Korean Dramas are all about romance, comedy and tragedy. It also introduced me to a new actor to be a fan of and his name is Lee Min Ho.

Now Lee Min Ho had been acting for years but none of his works got recognized. This one did and for a good reason. His acting and his look in this series really made the series come to life. He could play his role extremely well which made his drama the #1 watched series on the online site.  Below are some links and pictures of his works and his pictures. This post is in dedication to my new Korean Drama obsession and Lee Min Ho!

Here is the link to watch Boys Over Flowers:

Here are some fantastic pictures of Lee Min Ho and his work: